How To Become Your Best Self
Dear Reader,
Congratulations on taking a proactive step towards living the life you’ve always wanted. What you’re about to learn are the secrets of success that most people NEVER discover in their lifetime.
Of course, you’re probably curious how you came across this information in a simple eBook. If this information is so powerful, why isn’t everybody talking about it?
The answer is simple . . .
Because most people are too busy voicing their own opinions about how life should be lived, while most aren’t willing to take the time to listen, what you’re about to read is not being taught in schools; yet, most people grow up assuming that their conventional education is all they need to get by in life.
When they find that something isn’t working, they continue to apply this same strategy hoping that one day they’ll get lucky and produce a different result. Either that or they blame some other person or exterior circumstance and thus continue to hang on to the beliefs that cause them to take actions that aren’t getting them what they want.
It’s also typical of humans to hang on to beliefs long after they have outlived their usefulness. Many people grow up in circumstances that cause them to develop irrational beliefs or defense mechanisms. However, once those circumstances have passed, they are left hanging on to the beliefs and behaviors that got them by for a time, despite being no longer useful in their new environment.
So believe it or not, although this eBook is free, most people will never benefit from the information for one reason: They don’t think they need it. They’re not actively seeking a solution because they believe what they already know is enough.
Thankfully, you’ve reached a point where you’re hungry for more than just the traditional knowledge about success. You’ve probably heard it said that people who get exactly what they want out of life are either ridiculously rich, uncannily lucky, or both.
But as you’re about to discover in reading this book, getting what you want has nothing to do with how much money you have or how lucky you are. The sooner you accept this, the sooner you can put the genuine secrets of success into practice.
And believe me, when you do, people will tell you how lucky you are.
How the World Really Works

Everything you know about living your life your way is probably wrong, and that’s okay. After all, you can only go by what you’ve learned in your experience and education. You probably went to school just like every other person on the planet. You were taught the basic ABCs and 123s, some history, a little science, and other things you forgot.
You probably learned to pass the tests and please your teacher and parents. However, you don’t please yourself. You probably learned to avoid trouble with school authorities, but you must master persuasion, influence, and leadership.
You might have learned a little about the human body, but what you learned probably didn’t help you to gain a healthy body. You probably studied about the great people of history but never learned how to live by the principles that made them great.
Most importantly, you probably learned how to count money and make change, but chances are you don’t know as much as you’d like about earning good money and building wealth.
In other words, what you learned in school did little to help you understand how the world works.
Sound impossible?
Let’s look at a few statistics:
- Less than 20% of the world’s population controls over 80% of the wealth.
- The majority of individuals living in highly industrialized societies are either overweight or obese.
- Most North Americans live paycheck to paycheck, yet it’s one of the world’s wealthiest areas!
- This is not to mention the nearly astronomical amount of consumer debt that plagues
- most working and middle-class people.
Now let’s take an honest look at the circumstances of your life:
- Do you have the relationships you want?
- Are you satisfied with your level of self-confidence and inner peace?
- Do you make enough money to have reasonable financial security and to buy what you want?
- Are you happy with your physical health?
And most important:
- If you were to die tomorrow, what legacy would you leave behind in the hearts and minds of the people you love most?
If any of the above questions caused an unsettled feeling in your heart, a sense of dissatisfaction, shame, or even guilt, then one thing is certain:
The rules you learned to live according to aren’t producing the results you want.
As depressing as this might seem, it’s crucial in fulfilling your dreams and becoming your best self.
Why is this?
Dissatisfaction presents you with an opportunity to change your approach and thus to get the results you want. But this starts with accepting that the way the world works is different than what you might now believe. If this were not true, you’d probably be more satisfied with your life and have more of what you want.
So now that we have that out of the way, let’s look at a few of the popular myths that keep people from getting what they want:
Myth #1: Successful People Are Lucky
There’s no doubt that chance plays a role in all of our lives. There’s no doubt that sometimes bad things happen to good people and good things happen to bad people. But it’s also true that billions of people go through their lives tolerating poverty, poor relationships, and poor health because of something they call “bad luck.”
In his best-selling book Think and Grow Rich, author Napoleon Hill wrote about a series of experiments conducted to determine how lucky people got to be that way. Is it up to fate, or is there something else going on?
The results proved that lucky people remembered the good things that had happened to them and focused on what they wanted.
On the other hand, people with “bad luck” remembered mostly the bad things that had happened to them and focused on what they didn’t want.
As you’re about to learn, this alone is the most important difference between people who get what they want and people who don’t get what they want.
Myth #2: Your Problems Are Other People’s Fault
Most people who aren’t getting what they want will tell you exactly who or what caused their lives to turn out that way. In other words, most people see themselves as victims of either circumstance or the choices of others and thus neglect their power to assert control over their own lives.
Again, there is no doubt that chance plays a role in all of our lives and that we’re sometimes directly or indirectly affected by the choices of others. However, the most successful people in the world acknowledge that no matter what happens to them, they are always in control of who they decide to become. And that makes all the difference.
Myth #3: Rich People Are Either Greedy or Were Born That Way
This is the leading cause of poverty and financial misfortune. Believing that rich people are greedy makes it almost certain that you will never become rich. After all, who wants to be seen as a greedy person? Not to mention this belief will also keep you from seeking advice from wealthy people about how to make money and build wealth.
Instead, you’ll do what most people do: They take financial advice from other low and middle-class people and wonder why they stay broke. The belief that rich people were “born that way” is just as crippling. Over 80% of the millionaires in North America are first-generation rich. That means they built their wealth out of nothing.
There’s no reason why you can’t do the same. But first, you have to let go of the myth that rich people have to be either greedy or born that way.
Myth #4: You Are Who You Are and Can’t Change
There’s no doubt that genetics plays a role in our development and our capabilities to perform certain duties in life. But many people believe they were born the way they are and that there’s nothing they can do to change. For example, many people are shy or passive and think that it’s just the way their innate nature can’t be altered.
The same is true with people’s beliefs about their degree of willpower, self-reliance, creativity, discipline, assertiveness, and many other character traits.
Many people have problems with anger, poor health, low self-esteem, procrastination, or timidity and think they are that way because of their parents, nationality, cultural upbringing, and other things.
All these character traits are habits a person has formed through a lifetime of repeated choices. Once these choices become a habit, people develop the crippling belief that these habits are no longer choices.
Your life and habits are not products of your genetics or circumstances; they are the product of your choices. And you’re about to learn how to start making the choices that will make all the difference in living your life your way.
Harness the Astounding Power of Thought

Have you ever given any thought as to just how powerful those thoughts of yours are? Most people never do because their thoughts aren’t something they can reach out and grab hold of. Because thoughts occur in the privacy of the mind, it’s all too easy to dismiss them as having no bearing on the reality of outer life.
As a result, many people greatly underestimate the power of their thoughts and thus never bother to learn how to control and focus their minds. But when they put conscious effort into what’s going on in their brain, thoughts can help them get what they want out of life.
The mind is an interesting place, full of potential like a plot of land. If you don’t make a proactive effort to plant and nurture the seeds that will bring forth the kinds of fruit you want, you’ll end up with many things that you don’t want.
Most people’s minds are full of negative and disempowering thoughts, not because they’ve chosen these thoughts, specifically, but because they’ve neglected to choose more empowering ones.
But where do such negative thoughts come from? Thoughts are a direct result of past experiences, education, and conditioning.
These thoughts influence your beliefs about how the world works, and those beliefs in turn affect your interactions with the world. These interactions include your relationships, efforts to earn money and build wealth, eating habits, physical activities, and hundreds of other things that produce the results that make up your lifestyle.
Considering this, it’s probably a good idea to consider the importance of your thoughts. Just imagine what kind of results you could produce in your life if you could begin to choose different thoughts that would build different beliefs about how the world works, beliefs that would inspire different actions and get different results.
How can you choose thoughts that will lead to the results you want? You begin by consistently choosing thoughts that align with what you want.
Think you’re doing this already? Here’s something to think about:
- Most people have a much stronger idea of what they DON’T want than what they do. Just ask anyone what they want from their life. Things like their job, relationships, and physical health. Chances are they’ll rattle off many things they prefer to avoid.
- This is because they’re always thinking about what they don’t want. These thoughts are what influence their beliefs about how the world works. These negative views affect their actions, and those actions produce results that are consistent with the seeds that led to those actions: thoughts.
Thoughts = Beliefs = Actions = Results
Now, here’s a question to ask yourself:
- What kinds of results will you continue to get in your life if your way of thinking never changes? All you have to do is look at the results you’re getting, and there’s your answer.
Let’s look at how your thoughts are produced and what you can do to change them.
First of all, there are three kinds of thoughts: thought pictures (visual), “spoken” thoughts (auditory), and thoughts that you act out in your head (tactile).
For example:
Picture an elephant… that’s a visual thought.
Read these words without speaking them aloud… that’s an auditory thought.
Imagine yourself driving your car… that’s a tactile thought.
These influence external behaviors. These include what you notice, what you speak, and your actions. These behaviors can all be changed by choosing different visual, auditory, and tactile thoughts.
How is this possible?
It begins by understanding that the brain is a physical body part. There’s nothing magical or spiritual about the brain or its development. Just as you can condition other body parts through repetitious exercise, you can also condition your brain.
It’s important to remember that when you first begin to condition your brain it will seem impossible, just like physical exercise. Think about the first time you tried to run a mile, lift weights, ride a bike, or attempt some other kind of physical exercise you’d never done before.
At first, it might have seemed impossible. You probably wanted to give up. But if you stuck with it, it became second nature.
Learning to walk, talk, or read, took more than a few tries. And think how easy those things are to you now. So as we look at a few exercises for conditioning your brain, remember that these will take some work and feel impossible. Don’t give up!
But with enough practice, you’ll develop the natural habit of choosing the thoughts that you want. These thoughts will become beliefs, these beliefs will inspire actions, and those actions will produce results that are consistent with how you want to spend your time on this earth.
Visual Thought Exercise
Start collecting pictures of things you want, either in magazines or online. Get a poster board, and use it to arrange your favorite photos to create a vision board.
In addition to the pictures of what you want, put a few images of yourself on your vision board. This way you’re training your mind to see yourself and what you want as part of the same picture.
Put your vision board somewhere you can see every day, and make sure that you spend some time looking at it. With enough repetition, you’ll find that these images will become the dominating thought pictures in your mind.
You’ll also begin to notice things throughout the day that are consistent with the life you want. After enough practice, these new thoughts will influence your actions and produce new results.
Auditory Thought Exercise
Sit down now, and write down three thoughts consistent with what you want out of life. Be specific. The best way to do this is to ask yourself which character traits you’ll need to produce what you want. Once you’ve identified these characteristics, write them somewhere you can access them often.
Tape them to your bathroom mirror, put a note on your desktop, or keep them on your bedside table.
These spoken affirmations will help you to make your verbal thoughts consistent with who you must become to get what you want.
Here are a few examples:
If you want to start your own business or land a better career:
- “I am creative, self-reliant, and persuasive.”
If you want to take better care of your body:
- “I am disciplined, active, and a mindful eater.”
If you want better relationships:
- “I am funny, friendly, and compassionate.”
For this exercise to work, you have to do it every day. For best results, speak each of your affirmations out loud in the morning and the evening. Like your vision board exercise, this will change your auditory thoughts according to what you want. Those thoughts will change your beliefs. Your beliefs will produce the actions you need to become the version of yourself.
These affirmations have one thing in common: they focus on who you must be to get what you want.
Sure, you can also say things like:
“I’m healthy, thin, financially secure, and have great relationships.”
But if you focus instead on the characteristics and habits that will make you healthy, thin, financially secure, and a great friend/partner, you will get your desired results.
Tactile Thought Exercise
Tactile thought exercises are more complicated because they require using your entire body. But with a little creativity, you can think of ways to get physical that reflect your desired outcomes.
For example, author and success coach Jack Canfield once wrote about a party he attended called the “Come as You Will Be” party. Each guest came as the person they wanted to be in five years. Some were international business consultants, some were public speakers, and others were success coaches. Some even made up fake business cards for their friends at the party.
While it’s important to remember that you also need to take action to get what you want, these experiences can help you to choose thoughts that will inspire you to action.
Here are a few examples of some things that you can do:
- If you have a certain type of house you want to buy, spend some time driving around neighborhoods with those types of houses. Take pictures, or get out to take a walk in the neighborhood. As you do, pretend that you live there and that your house is only a few blocks away.
- If there’s a particular car you want to buy, go and take it for a test drive. Sit in the car, and imagine yourself owning it. Get into the experience until you can recall it in your mind.
- If you have an ambition to run a marathon, but you’re only running a mile a day right now, picture yourself on the last of the 21 miles as you complete your daily run.
- If you have an ambition to start controlling your eating habits, practice pushing your plate away while there is still food on it. Practice this several times in a row, and as you do, imagine yourself thin and healthy. It’s ok – you can still clear that plate!
Tactile exercises, in conjunction with auditory and visual exercises, will help strengthen your mind. When you get your subconscious thoughts on the same page about your long-term ambitions, the rest of the exercises in this book will become easy.
Know and Become Who You Are

The subtitle of this book states that you can fulfill your dreams by becoming your best self.
But what does it mean to become your best self?
What if you’ve never been this person before? What standard do you use to determine what characteristics to shoot for? How do you know if you’re aiming too high . . . or too low?
How do you even know who your best self is – let alone how you can become that person?
Don’t worry about all that. Instead, think about becoming your best self as a process of getting rid of things in the way.
Obstacles in the Way of Your Best Self
Becoming who you are should never feel forced or awkward. Instead, it will feel completely natural in every way. You’ll feel at home in your skin. You’ll no longer be an imposter trying to fake it until you make it.
The first step toward your best self is understanding what keeps you from discovering who you truly have the potential to be. Let’s look at a few of them now.
- Other People’s Opinions
Everyone has opinions about how things should be, and that’s okay. But you should never feel that your life and choices are at the mercy of other people’s opinions. As you’re reading this, you can probably think of at least a few people who have an opinion about who you should be or what you should do with your life. Sometimes these opinions are negative, and sometimes they are positive. But one thing is certain.
These opinions have nothing to do with who you are.
They represent people who are realizing their perception of you. At times, these opinions can be positive. But if they aren’t a genuine representation of who you honestly believe you are, they can keep you from becoming your best self.
Imitation has never caused anyone to become great. Even if you’re imitating someone you admire and respect, you’ll never be as good at being someone else as you can be at being yourself. You’re not responsible for becoming anybody but the person you want to be, and that’s a decision only you can make.
You’re also not responsible for other people’s opinions or perceptions of you, whether those opinions and perceptions are good or bad. You’re only responsible for being true to yourself and who you know yourself to be.
No matter who you become, for better or worse, somebody somewhere will always have a negative opinion about it. That’s not your problem; it’s their problem and responsibility… so leave it at that!
- Your Weaknesses and Doubts
Everyone has things about themselves that make them doubt what they can achieve, just as they have traits and talents that they are confident about. The person you become in life is dependent upon whether or not you focus on your strengths or your weaknesses.
Of course, you must examine the areas of your character that you need to change to get what you want. However, it’s better to focus on a specific action plan to correct the weakness rather than the weakness itself.
Think of it like this: If you’re constantly focusing on masking your weaknesses and insecurities or feeling ashamed, it’s as if you’re placing a magnifying glass over them. As this happens, they become the predominating thoughts in your mind until they affect your self-image and beliefs. Those beliefs affect your actions, and those actions create your results and lifestyle.
Sound familiar?
If you’re wondering whether or not other people recognize this, they do. It’s probably more obvious than you think it is. That’s the bad news.
The good news is that your strengths are the same way. If you’re constantly focusing on developing the strong points of your character, it’s as if you’re placing a magnifying glass over all the good stuff. As this happens, what you’re doing right becomes the dominating thoughts in your mind, and they begin to form your positive self-image and beliefs.
These beliefs begin to influence your actions, and those actions reinforce your beliefs and create your lifestyle and your identity.
- Your Current Results
As you consider that your thoughts create your beliefs and self-image, that your beliefs influence your actions, and that your actions form your lifestyle and identity, it might be easy to feel bad about yourself if you’re not happy with your current results.
But it’s important to remember that the current circumstances of your life represent who you were, not who you are. If you begin today to focus on becoming a different person, you can be certain that your current results will change, but first, you must let go of the idea that those results represent who you are.
Never allow exterior circumstances of your life to define your identity. If you do, your self-image and confidence will change just as the circumstances of your life do. Build a solid self-image based on a standard you determine.
This will help you to endure any difficulty in your life and keep your actions consistent with your true values instead of allowing them to be influenced by circumstances.
Steps to Discover Your Best Self
Now that you know what’s standing in your way, let’s look at a few things you can do today to become your best self tomorrow.
- Decide What You Want
Make a list of what you want in your life. Your, finances, health, relationships, and career. Don’t stop to think how you will achieve these things; that’s not the purpose of this exercise.
You will build self-understanding based on what YOU want out of life. As you do this, you’ll discover that your deepest desires represent what’s in your heart. The better you understand your dreams, the better you will know your best self.
As you do this, it’s important to be honest. Don’t worry about other people’s opinions, that’s not your problem. Don’t worry if others believe your dreams are stupid, unrealistic, selfish, or immoral.
Remember that their opinions only represent the experiences and perceptions of who you “should” be or how you “should” live. These people are not responsible for living your life or making the most of the talents that you have.
You’re the only one responsible for becoming your best self and pursuing your dreams. No one will ever do that for you, and expecting it is unfair. In addition, don’t allow your weaknesses or insecurities to get in the way of deciding what you want, and don’t allow your current circumstances to influence you. You’ll only end up with more of what you have right now.
- Decide What You’re Going to Give in Return
You’re never going to get something for nothing. Anyone who tells you differently is selling something. As you determine what you want in your financial life, health, relationships, and career, you must decide what you will offer in return for your ideal lifestyle.
If your dreams are big in any of these areas, your commitment to taking action must be equally big. If not, you’ll fall short of your goal, or reach it only to find that you can’t keep it for long.
For example, if you decide that there is a certain type of person you’d like to attract into your life, ask yourself what kind of a person you’ll need to become to attract them and build a meaningful relationship.
If you want a certain amount of financial security and a steady position in your dream career, you must determine what you will sacrifice to get what you want. Do you need to dedicate time to education right now, or will you have to work several years to build your own business?
And finally, if you want to be thin and in good health, determine what you’re willing to give in return for your ideal body. Every year millions of desperate people spend billions of dollars on weight-loss pills and fad diets only to find that they’ve wasted their time, money, and hope on these quick-fix solutions. That’s because they weren’t willing to put in the effort to change their long-term eating habits or the time to develop a better body. Similar mistakes are made in how people pursue their ideal career, their perfect relationship, and acquire financial security.
The sooner you accept that there is no shortcut to good health, financial security, great relationships, and a good career, the faster you’ll be able to get to work on a practical plan of action for achieving them.
- Write a Plan of Action
This step is simple, but most people never bother with it because they think it’s enough to know what they want. It’s not. Write a specific plan to make the changes to get what you want.
As a part of your overall plan, include the thought exercises from the previous chapter. This will help you become the person you need to get what you want.
Most importantly, write your plan down.
Your plans will change as you begin to put them to work. You’ll need to measure what’s working and what’s not and correct course. The only way to do this is to keep a written record of your plan so you can go back to it and revise it.
- Take Action
There’s no such thing as tomorrow when it comes to getting what you want. You have to take action, and you must take it right now.
You can think and dream about tomorrow, but that’s all you can ever do with the future. The same is true with the past.
If you’ve gotten into the habit of putting things off until later, you’ve allowed yourself to neglect one immutable law of success:
Nothing happens without action, and action can only happen right now.
If you have a habit of indecision or procrastination, remind yourself of this truth every time the temptation comes to put things off.
There is no later, only now. Anything short of real action, and you qualify as a dreamer.
Master Your Mindset

As you begin to practice your action plan, you’ll find that fear and uncertainty cloud your mind, making it difficult to focus on your goal. A negative mindset based on fear and uncertainty is completely voluntary, even though you feel there’s nothing you can do about it.
But there’s a lot that you can do about it.
First, consistently practice the thinking exercises we covered in Chapter 2: Harnessing the Astounding Power of Thought. Second, create a clear picture of what you want and a solid action plan for achieving it.
The third principle of mastering your mindset, however, is the one that most people struggle with. That principle is learning to control the automatic thoughts and emotions that result from negative circumstances.
You’ve probably experienced something like this before. You know what you want and are taking action towards achieving it. Then one day something happens that completely takes the wind out of your sails, and your motivation dissipates.
Grab Every Opportunity
What causes you to lose your motivation is not what’s important. What’s important is your response to it and the sudden change in your mindset and emotional state. In other words, do you view such occurrences as obstacles, or take them as opportunities to learn something and update your action plans based on new information?
The difference between a problem and an opportunity is your response to it. Every problem carries with it the seeds that you can plant toward the achievement of your goal and of becoming your best self:
To live this difference, you must understand the three opportunities that every negative circumstance in your life presents:
To Teach
Problems are great teachers, and so are failures. They are often better teachers than success. Just think about the last problem or failure you faced.
Did you learn anything from it? If not, stop and think about the problem again, and ask yourself what lesson you missed.
The more you learn to do this, the more you’ll be able to view negative circumstances as opportunities instead of obstacles. It will also help you to become wiser about your future choices, which is where the second opportunity comes in…
To Test
Every time something negative happens to you, a choice is presented: you can allow it to make you a better or worse person. Therefore, every negative circumstance is a test to see if you’ll grow through it or allow it to chip away at your self-confidence and motivation to pursue what you want.
If you choose to become a worse person because of a negative circumstance, you’ve allowed the circumstance to defeat you.
If you choose to become a better person, you’ve defeated the negative circumstances. In that case, you’re free to take advantage of the third opportunity that every problem presents…
To Motivate
Because every negative circumstance provides an opportunity to learn and become a better person, it’s easy to see why a negative circumstance can be motivating. If you take advantage of this motivation and press onward with greater wisdom, enthusiasm, and determination, you can turn the negative circumstance into a positive one.
It’s human nature to become complacent when things are going well. The problem with being too comfortable is that it doesn’t allow us to continue to reach beyond our comfort zone and experience new things. Even the most self-motivated person needs negative circumstances to challenge and motivate them to learn and grow.
So as you’re executing your plans to live your life your way, remember these three things, and treat every circumstance as an opportunity to refine your plans, grow, and continue on your journey toward being your best self.
As you read this, you’re probably wondering how to get the resources you need to execute your plans: the time, the money, the knowledge.
But there’s one other resource that’s far more important…
Conditioning Your Mindset for Your Ideal Body

No matter your goal, there’s one thing you need to achieve it. Energy. Even thinking requires energy, and the more you have, the easier it will be for you to gain control over your thoughts.
Have you known that you needed to do something but were just too exhausted? Have you sat down in front of the TV because you lacked the physical or mental energy required to do anything else? Did you ever plan to exercise in the morning but couldn’t even muster the strength to get out of bed?
Like it or not, these are all signs that the condition of your physical body is insufficient for achieving what you want in life.
Time, opportunity, knowledge, and money are important. However, physical energy is the one source you MUST have to become your best self.
So what can you do about this? Well, you’re probably already aware of proper diet and regular exercise.
People sell solutions for developing your ideal body that doesn’t require diet or exercise. But, the bottom line is that your body is a natural system, and these solutions aren’t grounded in natural principles. If you lose weight with them, you’ll gain it right back.
To achieve your ideal body, you need a diet and activity level that supports building a perfect body. But what if you don’t have the energy, the discipline, or the willpower to get started?
That’s where most people run into trouble because there’s one more primary thing they’re missing. Do this one thing to form the habits that lead to a great body and a greater energy level. You must develop the right state of mind and beliefs that will naturally lead you to eat a balanced diet and exercise regularly.
So, how can you develop the ideal mindset required to achieve a healthier body, one with energy to spare?
Value Your Body
The body you’re living in has to last you for the rest of your life. It’s the one thing you depend on to provide you with everything you need to enjoy the life you’ve always desired. If you don’t take care of your body, every single area of your life will suffer.
You’ll lack the focus and discipline to do well in your career and to manage your relationships. You’ll lack the energy to squeeze every ounce of potential out of every moment of your life. In short, having an energy level inconsistent with your full potential prevents you from living your life your way.
How you care for your body will determine the quality of your life and your physical independence more and more as you get older. Your body cannot be replaced at any price, and the benefits which it provides you with are priceless.
Think about this the next time you decide to put junk in your body or neglect physical activities that will encourage you to have a healthy body. This will help you value your body and begin caring for it better.
Acknowledge Your Mortality
Your body is a natural system that governs itself according to natural principles over which you have no control. You can control whether or not you align your physical health habits with these principles. The key point to acknowledge is the fact that your body is not going to last forever.
It’s going to age, it’s going to fall apart, and one day it’s going to stop altogether. As depressing as this might sound, many people age, fall apart, and die MUCH earlier because they don’t acknowledge the mortality of their bodies when they’re young.
They neglect routine exercise, healthy diet, and restful sleep as if their body were indestructible. But it’s only a matter of time before this neglect takes a physical toll on a person.
When it does, most people regret that they didn’t start taking care of their bodies earlier in life, which would have likely prevented the conditions that caused the deterioration of their health.
So acknowledge the mortality of your body now, and begin caring for it accordingly.
Learn About Your Body
When conditioning your mind, make it a point to learn about your body. Learn how your diet affects its functioning, how your activity and lifestyle impact your energy, and any other thing that will raise your awareness about the importance of caring for your body.
Most people who have unhealthy habits are completely unaware of how those habits affect their physical bodies. This ignorance causes bad health habits and keeps them from developing a sense of urgency about changing them.
But as soon as you learn how your body works, you’ll develop a new appreciation for its value. You’ll also have a stronger sense of your mortality. Both will motivate you to get your body into a condition that will provide you with the physical energy required to pursue your dreams with enthusiasm and perseverance.
The 3 Biggest Secrets to Getting What You Want

The biggest secret to getting what you want (no matter what that is) can be summed up in three sentences:
Never give up.
Never give up.
Never give up.
As simple as this advice sounds, it was one of the last speeches that Winston Churchill ever gave in his lifetime. He got up, spoke these three sentences, and walked off. Considering all the things he had accomplished in his life and the wisdom that he could have shared with the audience, it means a lot that he chose only these three words.
Why is this?
He had learned that the leading cause of failure in any endeavor was to accept failure by giving up. You’ve already read that every negative circumstance carries with it the opportunity to learn, become a better person, and press on toward the achievement of your dreams.
Considering this, it’s easy to understand that the only way to fail is to fail to learn, to fail to grow, and to fail to press on. Giving up is a failure. Everything else is simply the opportunity to develop the skills that will eventually lead to success.
Nobel Prize-winning scientist Niels Bohr said that an expert is nothing more than someone who has failed many times within one narrow field. Just think about what this means when coupled with Winston Churchill’s advice on never giving up.
It means that if you continue to learn, grow, and persist, you’ll eventually become an expert. That is, provided that you know exactly what you want. This is a clue to the second biggest secret of success.
Focus, Focus, Focus
Even if you refuse to give up, you can miss out on living your life your way. All you have to do is have your attention and interest scattered in several directions instead of focused on one thing. Lack of focus is a common problem that every person must master.
Many people never get what they want out of life because they do not know what they want. And they never determine what they want because their attention is scattered in too many directions.
A laser beam is nothing more than light focused on one central point. Lasers have the power to cut through almost any substance in existence. This gives you an idea of how important it is to focus your energy on one central goal.
If you do this, and never give up, there’s only one more thing you’ll need to do to live your life your way…
Never Stop Learning
Eric Hoffer once said that in times of drastic change, the learners survive while the learned would find themselves well-equipped to deal with a world that no longer exists. When it comes to achieving one’s full potential, this is probably one of the wisest things ever said.
There is no such thing as standing still in life. The world around you will always be moving ahead and by standing in one place you choose to be left behind. Commitment to lifelong learning is one of the wisest and most rewarding commitments you will ever make.
You’ve taken the first step by reading this e-book, but don’t stop here. Continue to use and apply the information you’ve learned. Read the book again and again as you continue to put these things into practice.
Find more resources to learn from as well. The more you do this, you’ll have a clearer picture of what you want. The more persistent you are, the greater your rewards will be.